Starting a new skein–Step 1

The first step in starting a new skein is to look at both ends. One end will have a strand going from the outside and tucking right into the middle.

Once you have located this end pull it out.

Now tuck this end into the ball band.
DO NOT knit from this end. It defeats the purpose of a center pull yarn if you start your work from this end. The skein will act like a ball and roll all over. Although the knitting police will not come from you, it just isn’t practical. A center pull skein stays put when you are working and you don’t have to chase it around the floor.
CAUTION! Do not skip this step. If you do the two ends of the yarn will do the tango and then you will have a complete mess and a lot of frustration resulting in you cutting your yarn most likely in several places.
Starting a new skein–Step 2

To find the start of the new skein, pinch your forefinger and thumb together. Then, put both fingers inside the hole, pinch some yarn and pull out.

Unfortunately, you will not immediately see the end you want. Instead, you will pull out yarn barf which is a small amount of yarn in a clump. From here you will unravel the yarn by pulling gently on the strand closest to the skein. Eventually, you will see the end.
Starting a new skein–Step 3

Once you’ve found the end take the excess and wind it around the ball. You will have to deal with the skein rolling around until you use up all the extra yarn barf you pulled out.
I hope this helps you start your skein. It is so much easier and less frustrating to knit from a center ball than it is from the outside.
Here is a link to the video on YouTube
Why don’t the yarn spinners Mark the inside end with a tab? It would make it so much easier for millions of women.
I have no idea.